On Tuesday September 27th, at 11:30 h in the confere room of the Institute of Bioengineering (IB), the conference entitled “Functional Genomics in Woody crop species: Multi-omic approaches to identify economical traits” will be delivered by Dr. Fatemeh Maghuly, from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences de Viena (Boku), organized by IB researcher Sara Jover Gil.  

The research activities of Dr. Maghuly are centered on Functional Genomic in Plants, with a h index of 20 and having publushed over 50 scientific papers in this field. During the  month of september Dr. Fatemeh Maghuly is a visiting researcher within the ERASMUS +  program in the lab lead by  IB researchers Héctor Candela and Sara Jover.

Más información sobre esta conferencia en https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRYXbjYjxQBC-RQpu2cD7KLv2iBStxxJ8SXBRYwj21tUN7wxRHUeEjueDuNgK8XQfaTmg9CtzcpLaUI/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000