Dr. Pau Gorostiza to give a lecture on remote control of neuronal activity using photopharmacology

On Tuesday 01 October at 12:00h, Dr. Pau Gorostiza, leading researcher at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), will give a lecture entitled “Remote control of neuronal activity with photopharmacology: from individual synapses to brain waves” in the auditorium of the Institute for Bioengineering, Vinalopó building, UMH.

Dr. Gorostiza, a reference in the field of photopharmacology, has focused his research on the development of nanoscale tools for the study of complex biological systems. He has specialized in the development of light-activated nano-tools, such as azobenzene, which allow the activity of biomolecules to be controlled remotely. These innovations have facilitated advances in photoactivated chemotherapy, photocontrol of cell signaling through ion channels and G protein-coupled receptors, as well as control of cardiac and locomotor activity, sensory restoration and brain wave photocontrol. In addition, he has applied the two-photon pharmacology technique to manipulate and study neuronal and glial activity with three-dimensional subcellular precision in intact brain tissue.