- Master Seminar
- Dr. July Andrea Rincón López (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
- Organizer: Prof. Piedad de Aza ()
- November 15, 2022, 11:30 a.m.
- IB Assembly Hall, Edif. Vinalopó-UMH
On 11/15/2022, at 11:30 a.m., a research conference entitled “3D printed calcium silicophosphate scaffolds for the repair of trabecular bone” within the seminar program of the Master’s Degree in Biotechnology and Bioengineering and the Bioengineering Doctoral Program. The conference will be given by Dr. July Andrea Rincón López, Director of technological research at DINSO-MX (Diabetic integral solutions-Mexico), and is organized by Prof. Piedad N. De Aza Moya, researcher at the Institute of Bioengineering from the UMH.
Dr. July Andrea Rincón López is a biomaterials scientist, a Physical Engineer from the Technological University of Pereira (Colombia) and a graduate of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico (CINVESTAV-Querétaro) from the master’s and PhD in Material Sciences-specialty. She completed a diploma in Business Development and Technology-Based Entrepreneurship. Dr. Rincón-López is focused on the development and application of bioceramics for tissue regeneration. Within his experience in the development of bioceramics, his participation as scientific leader of the project “Technological Scaling of Bioceramics to Induce Bone Regeneration and Wound Healing” developed by the Center for Industrial Engineering and Development (CIDESI) and financed by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT), from November 2020 to September 2022.
Brief description of the talk
“The manufacture by 3D printing of bioceramic scaffolds with mimetic characteristics of trabecular bone from the Hydroxyapatite, Silicocarnotite and Nagelschmidtite phases is presented. For the 3D printing process, bioceramic pastes have been developed and through rheological characterization, their printing capacity was determined. The in-vitro biological performance has been evaluated with human umbilical cord endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human fetal osteoblasts (HFOB 1.19), through viability, adhesion and cell differentiation studies. The results obtained showed that the Nagel phase induces a higher production of proteins associated with bone formation and vascularization. Finally, Nagel phase scaffolds were implanted in Wistar rats, with the aim of evaluating the bone regeneration process. The results obtained show the potential application of these phases in the development of implants for bone regeneration”
Awards and honours
- “25 Women in Science Latin America 2022” Award by the multinational 3M.
- Award “Best Pitch for technology-based enterprises AIT Mexico-Switzerland with the NWBone project: Crafting the future in bone grafts, 2021”.
- Award “Scholarship from the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and the Carolina-Spain Foundation to carry out a research stay, 2019”.
- Award “Young Professors and Researchers of Banco Santander-Spain, 2012”.
- Scholarship from the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) to pursue a master’s degree (2015-2017) and a doctorate (2018-2021).